Tempered Glass FAQ

Q. What thickness can be tempered?
A. We can temper glass from 3/16" to 1/2" thick.

Q. Can you temper mirror?
A. The only mirror that can be tempered is One-Way mirror.

Q. What type of glass can be tempered?
A. We can temper clear, tinted, patterned, acid-etched and low-iron.

Q. What is the minimum and maximum size that you can temper?
A. Min: 2" x 12" Max: 74" x 120"

Q. How strong is tempered glass?
A. Tempered glass is aproximately 5 times stronger than regular annealed glass.

Q. Can tempered glass be altered?
A. No. Tempering alters the composition of glass. Once glass is tempered, no more work can be performed on it.

Q. Are there any drawbacks or side-effects to tempering glass?
A. The high stress placed on the glass during the tempering process can expose flaws created during the previous steps of cutting and shaping, and even expose flaws inherent in the raw glass material itself. These flaws can cause the glass to break during the extreme temperature changes of the tempering process. A 5% rate of breakage is considered normal. Optical distortions are also a byproduct of tempering. The act of heating and rapidly cooling glass can introduce some distortion to the glass. This distortion is normally not visible, except at specific angles of light.

Q. Does tempering require certification?
A. Yes. We are certified by the SGCC and are tested every six months. All tempered glass requires a logo with the certification numbers permenantly stamped at the time of production, although you may opt out by signing a waiver.

Q. Is all glass created equal?
A. No. We have found that some imported glass is of sub-standard quality, and has a higher percentage of breakage during the tempering process. This is why we are proud to use glass manufactured in the USA, and you should insist on the same.